Saturday, March 16, 2019

New Zealand Terror Attack

New Zealand Terror Attack  
49 people in Christchurch, New Zealand. He targeted Muslims at two mosques in the city in what’s been deemed a terrorist attack, one of the most horrific acts..
Shortly before the attack, in what appeared to be posts from the alleged shooter, links to a Facebook livestream of the killings were shared social media..but very cruel person..
Islam is peace religions all the worlds..
The attack on the Al Noor and Linwood mosques has prompted an outpouring of grief and deep shock in this usually peaceful country, which prides itself on welcoming refugees fleeing violence or persecution.
Police are also currently investigating a manifesto, which the 28-year-old suspect allegedly wrote and posted on social media shortly before the shooting began. The rambling document espouses far-right and white nationalistic views,
Nearby, excavators were called in to remove the vast amount of earth needed to bury the dead, although police have not yet released the bodies to anxious families.
Muslims make up just one percent of New Zealand's population.
- 'I am with you' -
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern arrived in the city and, wearing a black headscarf, met with survivors and victims' families.
Ardern said the victims came from across the Muslim world, with Turkey, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia among the countries rendering consular assistance.
At least one Saudi citizen, four Jordanians and six Pakistanis were among the dead.
Sahra Ahmed, a New Zealander of Somali origin, said she was touched by the PM's gesture.

"It means a lot. It is a signal to say -- I am with you," she told AFP.
Police are now trying to piece together answers to the difficult questions of why and how this happened.
In a nearby hospital, doctors worked round the clock to treat 39 people for gunshot wounds and other injuries sustained in the attacks.
The wounded included a two-year-old boy and a four-year-old girl, who was in critical condition.

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Riyadh capital of Saudi Arabia entertainment spectacular set to be Kingdom’s biggest festival