Monday, November 26, 2018

Trump clearly notice Illegaly Experties how crossing the border Children Parents for Those Who Illegally Cross Southwest..

Trump clearly notice Illegaly Experties  how crossing the border  Children Parents for Those Who Illegally Cross Southwest..

The new policy could flood the immigration courts, already suffering severe backlogs, and create new detention space shortages for federal agencies that even now have been forced to release many undocumented immigrants until their cases can be heard. Mr. Sessions said he has dispatched 35 additional prosecutors and 18 immigration judges to the Southwest border region to help handle expanding caseloads.
administration announced Monday that it is dramatically stepping up prosecutions of those who illegally cross the Southwest border, ramping up a “zero tolerance” policy intended to deter new migrants with the threat of jail sentences and separating immigrant children from their parents.

“If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Mr. Sessions said at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Ariz. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”
The new policy strikes squarely at parents who have traveled with their children, some apparently with the expectation that they would face shorter periods of detention while their cases were heard.
A similar zero-tolerance policy was attempted in 2005 in parts of Texas and Arizona under the George W. Bush administration, which ordered criminal prosecutions of immigrants in those areas who entered the country illegally. The policy lasted into the Obama administration before it was scaled back.

Last month, nearly 10,000 people traveling in families were apprehended at the border, and almost 50,000 have been arrested since October, the start of the fiscal year.

The Trump administration already had hinted that a policy of separating migrant children from their parents was under consideration as a means of deterrence.
Officials have insisted no such policy is in place, though about 700 children, including 100 children four years old and younger,
The adult immigrants would be sent to detention centers to await trial. If convicted, they would be imprisoned for the duration of their sentences, after which time they could be returned to their countries of origin. First-time illegal entry is a misdemeanor that carries up to a six-month prison sentence. Repeat entry constitutes a felony and carries a penalty of up to two years imprisonment.

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