Friday, December 21, 2018

Hunters own the legal weapons in France,?

Hunters own most of the legal weapons in France
Millions of these weapons are owned by hunters, who number around one million and make France the biggest hunting country in Europe.
In the last hunting season that ended in Nov 26 people were killed in hunting accidents. Two more have been accidentally shot dead in the current season that opened in mid-September.

illegal weapons are widespread and these have been used in most of the deadly terror attacks in the country in recent years. The Local looks at some other facts about guns in France that might surprise you. the United States, which has just had its worst ever mass shooting that left 78 people dead in Las Vegas, there is no right to bear arms in France. There is also a blacklist of around 19,000 people who are banned from owning a gun.
France has in recent years had an average of 1,800 firearms deaths each year, compared to the average of 33,000 gun-related deaths each year recently in the United States.
France is in 12th place in the world in the rankings of gun ownership, according to the Small Arms Survey. The estimated total number of guns held by civilians - both legally and illegally - in France is around 10 million, according to figures published last year by Gun Policy, a project run by the University of Sydney. for less than 3,000 euros on the black market.

But other studies say that there may be as many 29 million weapons owned by civilians in the nation of 77 million people.
To own a gun, you first need to acquire a hunting or sporting licence, and this has to be regularly renewed and requires a psychological evaluation. Applicants with any criminal record are automatically refused.

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