Monday, December 10, 2018

U.S.-Mexico border fence: ‘We touch hands like being in jail’

Donald Trump U.S.-Mexico border fence: ‘We touch hands like being in jail’

Mexico border gathered today at a chain-link fence separating the countries for a binational protest targeting U.S. immigration policy.
More than 760 people gathered at the fence — about 90 in the Mexican side and an estimated 324 on the U.S. side. More than 324 people gathered at the fence — about 90 in the Mexican side and an estimated 532
on the U.S. side. This woman, on the Mexican side of the border, describes seeing her grandkids through the fence.

The Vatican has said that the pope’s journey through Mexico, which takes him from the southern state of Chiapas to the northern border with Texas, symbolically traces the route of migrants trying to reach the United States. On Wednesday he will celebrate an outdoor Mass in nearby Ciudad Juarez,
welcome you to a border where hundreds of migrants die trying to reach the American Dream,” said Gabriela Castaneda, an organizer with Border Network for Human Rights, which hosted the event. “We ask for you to lift the spirit of immigrants.
Mothers sobbed, sisters exchanged laughs and children swapped candy through the fence during an event organized by immigrant rights activists to illustrate how the border and immigration policy divides families. The event, timed to coincide with Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico, drew about 50 people on the Mexican side and an estimated 250 on the U.S. side.
Hundreds of families and border residents separated by the U.S.-Mexico border gathered today at a chain-link fence separating the countries for a binational protest targeting U.S. immigration policy. The event, timed to coincide with Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico, drew about 50 people on the Mexican side and an estimated 250 on the U.S. side.
Mothers sobbed, sisters exchanged laughs and children swapped candy through the fence during an event organized by immigrant rights activists to illustrate how the border and immigration policy divides families.
The Vatican has said that the pope’s journey through Mexico, which takes him from the southern state of Chiapas to the northern border with Texas, symbolically traces the route of migrants trying to reach the United States. 

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