Wednesday, September 4, 2019

border wall -- how much it will actually cost according to a statistician ... estimated 1,933 miles-long border between the United States and Mexico.

 border wall -- how much it will actually cost according to a statistician ... estimated 1,933 miles-long border between the United States and Mexico
The controversy surrounding President  continues, as updated plans bring the predicted cost to $33 billion, An extra $15 billion (£11 billion) is also required to cover expenses of towers, surveillance equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles and 5,000 new Border Patrol agents to further fortify the barrier, as well as the necessary road construction and maintenance.

Trump's costing request to Congress is outlined in a provisionary plan, which the Customs and Border Protection agency at the Department of Homeland Security created for the group of US senators.
the proposal include a 316-mile-long extension to the existing 654-mile barrier, as well as replacing and building up to 407 miles of a secondary wall at an estimated cost of $18 billion (£13.3 billion).

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