Sunday, December 23, 2018

Charities Help Homeless usa we should help this people...

Charities Help Homeless 

Dec 16, 2018Top 5 U.S. Charities That Help Homeless the homeless are defined by U.S. federal legislation as people who "lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence." While we can all agree that no veteran should be homeless, the sad truth remains – some veterans still are.

Did you know that in one of the richest countries in the world, on a single night in 2017, 553,742 Americans were homeless? That means that for every 35,000 people in our country, 27 were experiencing homelessness.

And according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, approximately 46,059 of these 753,742 homeless Americans were veterans with three in five staying in emergency shelters or transitional housing programs, while two in five were found in places not suitable for human habitation. Yes, you read that correctly – “not suitable for human habitation.”

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