Sunday, December 23, 2018

Protests in France are rattling Emmanuel Macron’s presidency.

Protests in France are rattling Emmanuel Macron’s presidency. Here is a look at the protesters, known as gilets jaunes, and why they are so angry.
But the movement has expanded into a broader protest against Mr. Macron, whom many from the French hinterlands view as “president of the rich.” Many want him to reverse a repeal of much of the wealth tax that he passed into law this year. The protests have grown more heated, with the government deploying tens of thousands of police officers across the country after riots erupted in Paris last weekend.
Eric Drouet, a truck driver from the suburbs of Paris, created a Facebook event page calling for a nationwide protest on Nov. 17 against the government’s proposal to raise taxes on fuel. Ghislain Coutard, a mechanic, uploaded a video suggesting that protesters wear their yellow breakdown vests.

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