Wednesday, December 19, 2018

France Flagged 78,000 People as Security Threats...

France Flagged 78,000 People as Security Threats...
 86,500 people as national security threats in 2018  in a database that allows European police.. the European Commission and its aim is to track information about individuals that could threaten national security,
German Interior Ministry also revealed last month that European countries had flagged more than 134,000 discreet checks, which are secret international checks on people believed to pose national security or public safety threats.
the United Kingdom, which has a similar population to France, flagged only 16,991 people in the same year, while Germany, with about one-quarter larger population than France or the UK, flagged 8,285 people last year,  According to French Intelligence Chief Laurent Nunez, France recorded 29,343 people as suspected extremists last year. Out of those 27,900 people, 9,000 of those people were believed to be highly dangerous.
border control and law enforcement.German parliamentarian Andrej Hunko raised concerns about the potential misuse of the SIS database in a statement last month to Germany's Interior Ministry,  large number of French entries by police and intelligence agencies is proof of fraudulent use of the system.

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