Tuesday, December 18, 2018

US Border Patrol on Thursday from the desk of Patrol Chief Carla Provost instructed

US Border Patrol on Thursday from...
 (Many asylum-seekers and families cross illegally and then present themselves to Border Patrol agents. It’s unlikely that any members of the caravan will be crossing anytime soon: The lead group of the caravan, which numbers about 4,000 people, seek to enter the US at official border crossings, which are controlled by a separate division of Customs and Border Protection.)
The guidance, excerpts of which were obtained by Vox, was effective immediately.Patrol Chief Carla Provost instructed agents to look out for “known or suspected” members of the caravan whenever they catch and process someone who’s entered the US between ports of entry. 
 is still in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, and at its current pace will take six weeks or longer to reach the United States.
The Department of Defense is already sending thousands of troops to the border to prepare for the caravan’s arrival. And now — even though internal CBP This hasn’t stopped Trump from obsessing over it in the closing weeks of the midterm campaign — or ordering the federal government to take immediate steps against it.  obtained by Newsweek shows the agency believes only a small fraction of travelers will reach the US-Mexico border — Border Patrol agents are now officially patrolling for those people, just in case.In addition to making a note in the intake forms whenever they suspect an arrestee traveled with the caravan, agents were instructed to explicitly ask everyone they process: The US can’t force asylum-seekers who traveled through Mexico to apply for asylum there, but the Trump administration claims that not applying for asylum in Mexico proves that Central Americans aren’t real victims of persecution
“Were you a part of the migrant caravan during your travels from your home country prior to your illegal entry into the United States?”
They were also instructed to ask whether the arrestee had applied for asylum with the government of Mexico. .

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