Friday, December 7, 2018

Immigrants illegal job

Immigrants have long been an integral part of the U.S. workforce. And while there isn't any one industry where immigrants make up the majority of workers, there are some jobs .where foreign born workers dominate, a new report from Pew Research finds.Many of the jobs held by immigrants -- especially those who are undocumented -- pay low wages
That's especially the case in America's beauty business, where immigrants made up 63% of those that provide services as manicurists and pedicurists, makeup artists, shampooers and skin care specialists. Slightly more than half of these workers (51%) were authorized to be in the country, while 12% of them were undocumented,Other jobs where immigrants made up more than half of the workforce included plasterers and stucco masons, 
Pew also found that 60% of the workers who ensure that no bad fruits or vegetables get to supermarkets are immigrants.

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