Wednesday, December 5, 2018

jobs to Americans the U.S. are illegal immigrants,

illegal immigrants jobs USA

As communities nationwide grapple with tenacious unemployment, migrant workers are often accused of stealing jobs from Americans. The union believes this accusation is without basis, and intends to demonstrate this with a newly-launched campaign called "Take Our Jobs."
Facing growing anti-immigrant rhetoric, the United Farm Workers union ischallenging Americans to take their labor-intensive, low-paying farm 
Through its Web site, at, the union promises to connect applicants with farm jobs in their area.Since Nov 20, at least 37,000 people have responded to the application, said Rodriguez. Some are serious responses and others are hate mail. "Only a few dozen have really followed through with the process," he said.
The Department of Agriculture counts nearly one million farm workers in the United States. According to the Migrant Farm Worker Justice Project, 85% of farm workers are immigrants -- and up to 70% of them are illegal.
Most applicants quickly lose interest once the reality sinks in that these are back-breaking jobs in triple-digit temperatures that pay minimum wage, usually without benefits, according to the union. Some small farms are not required to pay minimum wage and in 15 states farms aren't required to offer workers' compensation.
Despite the dismal job market in the U.S., where the unemployment rate is 9.5% and 19.6 million people are out of work,..


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