Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Child Dies in immigration custod

According to Guatemala's foreign ministry, the father and son entered the U.S. at El Paso, Texas, on Dec. 18, then were taken to the Border Patrol's Alamogordo station Sunday. Alamogordo is about 90 miles (145 kilometers) from El Paso. Parents and children together are almost always released quickly due to limited space in ICE's family detention facilities.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection said the boy — identified by the Guatemalan consul in Phoenix as Felipe Gómez Alonzo — had shown "signs of potential illness" on Monday and was taken with his father to a hospital in Alamogordo, New Mexico.  CBP has not yet confirmed when or where the father and son entered the United States or how long they were detained, saying only in its statement that the boy had been "previously apprehended" by its agents. Democratic members of Congress and immigration advocates sharply criticized CBP's handling of Jakelin's death and questioned whether border agents could have prevented it by spotting symptoms of distress or calling for an evacuation by air ambulance sooner. Large numbers of Guatemalan families have been arriving in recent weeks in New Mexico, often in remote and dangerous parts of the desert. Jakelin and her father were with 161 other people when they were apprehended in Antelope Wells, about 230 miles (370 kilometers) southwest of Alamogordo.
8-year-old boy from Guatemala died in government custody in New Mexico early Tuesday, U.S. immigration authorities said, marking the second death of an immigrant child in detention this month.

The agency said the cause of the boy's death has not been determined and that it has notified the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general and the Guatemalan government. This is inexcusable," she said in a statement Tuesday. "Instead of immediately acting to keep children and all of us safe along our border, this administration forced a government shutdown over a wall."
He was diagnosed with a cold and a fever, prescribed amoxicillin and ibuprofen, and released Monday afternoon after being held 90 minutes for observation, the agency said.
The boy was returned to the hospital Monday evening with nausea and vomiting and died there just after midnight, CBP said.

Monday, December 24, 2018

The FBI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection work closely together

The FBI and U.S. Customs and Border Protection work closely together to turn these vulnerabilities into opportunities for gathering intelligence, according to government documents obtained by The Intercept. You may not have seen them in years. Perhaps it is your first time in the United States. Perhaps you do not speak English well. Perhaps you plan to ask for asylum Perhaps you are coming from a country where interactions with people in uniform generally involve bribery, intimidation, or worse CBP assists the FBI in its the airport from a foreign country. You are tired from a long flight,  to target travelers entering the country as potential informants,

When the FBI wants to find informants that fit a certain profile — say, men of Pakistani origin between the ages of 18 and 35 — it has at its fingertips a wealth of data from government agencies like CBP. The FBI gives CBP a list of countries of origin to watch out for among passengers, sometimes specifying other characteristics, such as travel history or age.
 feeding the bureau passenger lists and pulling people aside for lengthy interrogations in order to gather intelligence from them on the FBI’s behalf, the documents show. In one briefing, CBP bills itself as the “GO TO agency in the Law Enforcement world when it comes to identifying individuals of either source or lead potential.”. According to the documents, the FBI uses the border questioning as a pretext to approach people it wants to turn informant and inserts itself into the immigration process by instructing agents on how to offer an “immigration relief dangle.” It is no surprise that law enforcement closely monitors border crossings for criminals or terror suspects. The initiatives described in these documents, however, are explicitly about gathering intelligence, not enforcing the law. A person doesn’t have to be connected to an active investigation or criminal suspect in order to be flagged;
 It also briefs CPB officers on its intelligence requirements. The CBP sifts through its data to provide the bureau with a list of incoming travelers of potential interest. The FBI can then ask CBP to flag people for extra screening, questioning, and follow-up visits. The government materials published with this story were provided to The Intercept by an intelligence community source familiar with the process who is concerned about the FBI’s treatment of Muslim communities.
 the FBI might want them for their potential to provide general intelligence on a given country, region, or group. The goal, according to an FBI presentation on an initiative at Boston’s Logan Airport, is “looking for ‘good guys’ not ‘bad guys.’” Signs of the informant-recruiting pipeline have been noticed outside the government.

 The system, according to the source, amounts to an informal watchlist of people who have caught the FBI’s interest — not because they have done something wrong, or might be dangerous, but because they might be useful to the government.

 Human rights and immigration attorneys interviewed by The Intercept said it was very common for Muslim clients in particular to be questioned at the border upon returning from an international trip, and then contacted by FBI agents within days.
The documents reviewed by The Intercept imply that the program is in place at airports nationwide, something the source confirmed. They do not include extensive data on how many passengers are targeted for intelligence purposes, except for a two-month period at Boston’s Logan International Airport. According to that data, in January 2012, nearly 6,000 passengers were screened through FBI..
One client was straight-up approached at the airport by FBI agents as he was returning from his honeymoon,” said Diala Shamas, a lecturer at Stanford Law School, who worked as an attorney with Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility, or CLEAR, an initiative providing legal services to communities in New York impacted by counterterrorism policies.

Government Shutdown, Homeland Security Border Patrol

Government Shutdown, Homeland Security Border Patrol.... 

the borders remain guarded and ships, planes, and trains—as well as merchandise—will still be allowed to enter and leave the U.S.  who must remain on the job are part of about 520,000 federal workers also forced to perform their duties at agencies for whom no budget or stopgap measure has been approved.
Nearly 88% of its workers will be required to report to work, but will not receive a paycheck for the duration of the funding lapse. About 53,000 TSA employees, 54,000 Customs and Border Protection agents and officers, and 42,000 Coast Guard members and staff must work without pay,
their duties at agencies for whom no budget or stopgap measure has been approved. Some may receive payment if funds remain in certain accounts or their positions or work are funded by agencies unaffected by the partial shutdown. The other 12% of DHS workers, and 380,000 employees across government,  Essential employees also include anyone involved in counter-terrorism efforts,

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Protests in France are rattling Emmanuel Macron’s presidency.

Protests in France are rattling Emmanuel Macron’s presidency. Here is a look at the protesters, known as gilets jaunes, and why they are so angry.
But the movement has expanded into a broader protest against Mr. Macron, whom many from the French hinterlands view as “president of the rich.” Many want him to reverse a repeal of much of the wealth tax that he passed into law this year. The protests have grown more heated, with the government deploying tens of thousands of police officers across the country after riots erupted in Paris last weekend.
Eric Drouet, a truck driver from the suburbs of Paris, created a Facebook event page calling for a nationwide protest on Nov. 17 against the government’s proposal to raise taxes on fuel. Ghislain Coutard, a mechanic, uploaded a video suggesting that protesters wear their yellow breakdown vests.

Charities Help Homeless usa we should help this people...

Charities Help Homeless 

Dec 16, 2018Top 5 U.S. Charities That Help Homeless the homeless are defined by U.S. federal legislation as people who "lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence." While we can all agree that no veteran should be homeless, the sad truth remains – some veterans still are.

Did you know that in one of the richest countries in the world, on a single night in 2017, 553,742 Americans were homeless? That means that for every 35,000 people in our country, 27 were experiencing homelessness.

And according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, approximately 46,059 of these 753,742 homeless Americans were veterans with three in five staying in emergency shelters or transitional housing programs, while two in five were found in places not suitable for human habitation. Yes, you read that correctly – “not suitable for human habitation.”

Friday, December 21, 2018

Two rapists were combinedly sentenced to 19 life sentences,

Rapists sentenced to 19 life

Two rapists were combinedly sentenced to 19 life sentences,
  imprisonment after a rape and robbery spree in the Brits . The North West Provincial Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Baile Motswenyane welcomed the hefty sentences. “The pair ran out of luck when the police pounced on them at Oukasie in Brits upon their arrival from Groblersdal where they had raped and robbed a woman.
She congratulated the detectives of the Brits police’s Family Violence,
Pilusa was sentenced to six life sentences for rape and 120 years imprisonment for eight counts of robbery. . “The sentences will serve as an indication that the police will not hesitate to deal harshly with those who commit crimes against women
The two men targeted and raped women in Brits and Mooinooi, as well as in Mpumalanga. They were arrested in Oukasie on 5 May 2018, mere hours after raping a woman in Ekangala in Mpumalanga.
“The accused targeted and raped individual women aged between 18-37 They would first ask directions from hitch-hiking women and then offer them lifts. Once inside the vehicle, the women would be threatened with a firearm, robbed of their personal belongings and then taken to the nearest bushes where they were raped by both men,” said police spokesperson Capt Aafje Botma.
 It was established that they had raped and robbed another woman in Ekangala the same day of their arrest. They were found in possession of the victims’ cellphones, groceries and cash, as well as a pellet gun and police business card.”
 Nampa was sentenced to seven life sentences for rape and 120 years imprisonment for eight counts of robbery. The vehicle used during these crimes was forfeited to the state.
 Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit (FCS) for working tirelessly to ensure that the perpetrators were brought to book...

Hunters own the legal weapons in France,?

Hunters own most of the legal weapons in France
Millions of these weapons are owned by hunters, who number around one million and make France the biggest hunting country in Europe.
In the last hunting season that ended in Nov 26 people were killed in hunting accidents. Two more have been accidentally shot dead in the current season that opened in mid-September.

illegal weapons are widespread and these have been used in most of the deadly terror attacks in the country in recent years. The Local looks at some other facts about guns in France that might surprise you. the United States, which has just had its worst ever mass shooting that left 78 people dead in Las Vegas, there is no right to bear arms in France. There is also a blacklist of around 19,000 people who are banned from owning a gun.
France has in recent years had an average of 1,800 firearms deaths each year, compared to the average of 33,000 gun-related deaths each year recently in the United States.
France is in 12th place in the world in the rankings of gun ownership, according to the Small Arms Survey. The estimated total number of guns held by civilians - both legally and illegally - in France is around 10 million, according to figures published last year by Gun Policy, a project run by the University of Sydney. for less than 3,000 euros on the black market.

But other studies say that there may be as many 29 million weapons owned by civilians in the nation of 77 million people.
To own a gun, you first need to acquire a hunting or sporting licence, and this has to be regularly renewed and requires a psychological evaluation. Applicants with any criminal record are automatically refused.

World Custom Border : Indian Airport Customs Duty on Gold

World Custom Border : Indian Airport Customs Duty on Gold: Indian Airport Customs Duty on Gold increase.  gold jewellery gifted at weddings to investments in gold coins, Indian expatriates in p...

Government Protestors Clashes with French Police in Paris

Government Protestors Clashes with French Police in Paris
Protests in Paris turned violent once again as masked and hooded demonstrators clashed against police officers. Some of those attending the third “yellow vest” rally in the French capital...
government protestors clashed with police Saturday on the Champs-Elysees in Paris in yet another round of protests against French President Emmanual Macron.
Police fired tear gas and used water cannons on the famed avenue to force protestors away from the presidential offices in the Elysees Palace.

Thousands gathered in the French capital and elsewhere in France, staging roadblocks and setting fires to express anger against rising fuel taxes.
At least eight people, including two police officers, were injured Saturday, authorities said.
as the protests are also an expression of citizen discontent with the country's high tax rate.
Two people have been killed since the protest movement was launched a week ago, when nearly 236,000 protestors wearing yellow vests, many from rural overlooked areas, blocked roads across the country.
French drivers' protest against higher fuel prices, block the Champs-Elysee in Paris, Dec. 21, 2018.
​The citizen-driven movement is one of the most serious challenges to date for Macron and his pro-business government, Police said dozens of protestors were arrested in Paris Saturday for "throwing projectiles" and committing other violent acts.
Authorities said 7,000 protestors converged Saturday on the Champs-Elysees, with a total of more than 95,000 nationwide.
Interior Minister Christophe Castaner blamed the unrest on far-right "rebellious" agitators. He tried to downplay Saturday's demonstrations, noting there were fewer protestors compared to last week. It's going to trigger a civil war and me, like most other citizens, we're all ready," said 21-year-old Benjamin Vrignaud.


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Indian Airport Customs Duty on Gold

Indian Airport Customs Duty on Gold increase. 

gold jewellery gifted at weddings to investments in gold coins, Indian expatriates in particular love to buy gold from abroad due to their lower prices and superior quality.  import are discouraging many people from taking gold to India.
there are several reasons why we Indians are obsessed with the yellow metal.
How much is the duty-free allowance on gold for Indian passengers?
Indian passenger who has been residing abroad for over one year is allowed to bring jewellery, free of duty in his bonafide baggage upto an aggregate weight of :
20 grams, subject to maximum value of Rs. 50,000/- (in the case of a male passenger)40 grams, subject to maximum value of Rs. 100,000/- (in the case of a female passenger..

Can I bring gold coin or gold biscuit within the allowance amount?

only on gold jewellery. Gold in any other form is liable to pay duty.
maximum gold that I can bring above the free allowance?
Indian passport who is having at least 6 months continuous stay abroad can bring in up to 1 kg of gold on payment of duty. This can be jewellery or crude gold or gold coin or gold biscuits.
 maximum amount of gold allowed upon payment of duty?
A passenger can bring up to 1 kg of gold upon payment of customs duty. More than 1 kg per passenger is not allowed even if you are willing to pay the duty.

gold jewellery gifted at weddings to investments in gold coins, Indian expatriates in particular love to buy gold from abroad due to their lower prices and superior quality.  import are discouraging many people from taking gold to India.
there are several reasons why we Indians are obsessed with the yellow metal.

How much is the duty-free allowance on gold for Indian passengers?
Indian passenger who has been residing abroad for over one year is allowed to bring jewellery, free of duty in his bonafide baggage upto an aggregate weight of :
20 grams, subject to maximum value of Rs. 50,000/- (in the case of a male passenger)40 grams, subject to maximum value of Rs. 100,000/- (in the case of a female passenger..
Can I bring gold coin or gold biscuit within the allowance amount?
only on gold jewellery. Gold in any other form is liable to pay duty.
maximum gold that I can bring above the free allowance?
Indian passport who is having at least 6 months continuous stay abroad can bring in up to 1 kg of gold on payment of duty. This can be jewellery or crude gold or gold coin or gold biscuits.
 maximum amount of gold allowed upon payment of duty?
A passenger can bring up to 1 kg of gold upon payment of customs duty. More than 1 kg per passenger is not allowed even if you are willing to pay the duty.

France Flagged 78,000 People as Security Threats...

France Flagged 78,000 People as Security Threats...
 86,500 people as national security threats in 2018  in a database that allows European police.. the European Commission and its aim is to track information about individuals that could threaten national security,
German Interior Ministry also revealed last month that European countries had flagged more than 134,000 discreet checks, which are secret international checks on people believed to pose national security or public safety threats.
the United Kingdom, which has a similar population to France, flagged only 16,991 people in the same year, while Germany, with about one-quarter larger population than France or the UK, flagged 8,285 people last year,  According to French Intelligence Chief Laurent Nunez, France recorded 29,343 people as suspected extremists last year. Out of those 27,900 people, 9,000 of those people were believed to be highly dangerous.
border control and law enforcement.German parliamentarian Andrej Hunko raised concerns about the potential misuse of the SIS database in a statement last month to Germany's Interior Ministry,  large number of French entries by police and intelligence agencies is proof of fraudulent use of the system.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

US Border Patrol on Thursday from the desk of Patrol Chief Carla Provost instructed

US Border Patrol on Thursday from...
 (Many asylum-seekers and families cross illegally and then present themselves to Border Patrol agents. It’s unlikely that any members of the caravan will be crossing anytime soon: The lead group of the caravan, which numbers about 4,000 people, seek to enter the US at official border crossings, which are controlled by a separate division of Customs and Border Protection.)
The guidance, excerpts of which were obtained by Vox, was effective immediately.Patrol Chief Carla Provost instructed agents to look out for “known or suspected” members of the caravan whenever they catch and process someone who’s entered the US between ports of entry. 
 is still in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, and at its current pace will take six weeks or longer to reach the United States.
The Department of Defense is already sending thousands of troops to the border to prepare for the caravan’s arrival. And now — even though internal CBP This hasn’t stopped Trump from obsessing over it in the closing weeks of the midterm campaign — or ordering the federal government to take immediate steps against it.  obtained by Newsweek shows the agency believes only a small fraction of travelers will reach the US-Mexico border — Border Patrol agents are now officially patrolling for those people, just in case.In addition to making a note in the intake forms whenever they suspect an arrestee traveled with the caravan, agents were instructed to explicitly ask everyone they process: The US can’t force asylum-seekers who traveled through Mexico to apply for asylum there, but the Trump administration claims that not applying for asylum in Mexico proves that Central Americans aren’t real victims of persecution
“Were you a part of the migrant caravan during your travels from your home country prior to your illegal entry into the United States?”
They were also instructed to ask whether the arrestee had applied for asylum with the government of Mexico. .

Saturday, December 15, 2018

What food is not allowed across the US border?

What food is not allowed across the US border?
The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Homeland Security are partners in the effort to protect American agriculture against the introduction of pests and diseases at our nation's ports of entry.
Prohibited or restricted items may include meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, plants, seeds, soil and products made from animal or plant materials.
Many agriculture products are prohibited entry into the United States from certain countries because they may carry plant pests and foreign animal diseases.  All agriculture items must be declared and are subject to inspection by a CBP Agriculture Specialist at ports of entry to ensure they are free of plant pests and foreign animal diseases. For generally allowed food items please visit USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
undeclared prohibited agriculture items will be confiscated and can result in the issuance of a civil penalty to the traveler for failure to declare the prohibited item.
Declared agriculture items, in non-commercial quantities, that are found to be prohibited or restricted by the CBP Agriculture Specialists can be abandoned at the port of entry should the traveler wish to continue into the U.S. However, All agricultural items that are abandoned or confiscated at ports of entry are destroyed in accordance with USDA approved destruction methods to prevent spread of pests and diseases.

Agricultural pests and diseases are a threat to U.S. crop production and to the livestock industry. Some animal diseases can be highly contagious and could cause severe economic damage to livestock and result in losses in production, which could lead to increased costs for meat and dairy products. Plant pests and disease, as well as invasive plant material can cause crop loss and also damage lawns, ornamental plants, and trees.  Plant pest infestations can result in increased costs to consumers due to pest eradication efforts as well as lower crop yields.  High risk plant pest and animal disease outbreaks within the U.S. could also adversely affect the economy as a result of reduced trade of U.S. origin goods to countries around the world.

 USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service determines what agricultural products are admissible into the U.S. and what products pose a risk and should be prohibited or restricted entry. U.S. Customs and Border Protection enforce

Friday, December 14, 2018



JOB SUMMARY: As a Security Guard, your duties will include observing and reporting activities and incidents at an assigned client site. Additionally, as a Security Guard, you will provide for the security and safety of client property and personnel, make periodic tours to check for irregularities and to inspect protection devices and fire control equipment. Lastly, your duties as a Security Guard may include preserving order and acting to enforce regulations and directives forthe site pertaining to personnel, visitors, and premises. This position is ideal for those with a passion for customer service, can multi-task with ease and enjoy working with others. Candidates with at least six months of experience in the service industry are preferred. APPLY ON-LINE FOR SECURITY GUARD JOBS www.securitasjobs.com or call (808) 539-5031 or text (808) 225-4365 • Controls access to client site or facility through the admittance process; assists visitors with a legitimate need to gain entry to the facility; screens visitors and client employees in an efficient manner in order to expedite their admittance to the site or facility. • Provides an atmosphere in which all client employees and visitors know that the client responds to and cares about their needs; provides a courteous, respectful and pleasant interaction with each client employee and visitor as perceived from their point of view; presents a good image of the client and its security department. • Communicates in a manner that is open, honest and responsive in all situations; to the extent authorized, provides information regarding the site and surrounding area as requested by visitors. • Monitors entrances and exits; acts to prevent unapproved or unlawful entry; controls entrances, the movement of people and vehicles, and parking; operates a gate and examines vehicle contents; monitors remote entrances using closed circuit television; operates remote access devices; in a calm manner directs persons who cause a disturbance to leave the property. • Patrols assigned site on foot or in vehicle; checks for unsafe conditions, hazards, unlocked doors, security violations, blocked ingress and egress, mechanical problems, and unauthorized persons; inspects buildings and grounds using appropriate equipment and protective gear. • Protects evidence or scene of incident in the event of accidents, emergencies, or security investigations; sets up barriers and signage, and provides direction or information to others. • Prepares logs or reports as required for site; writes and/or types reports and/or enters information in a computer using standard grammar; inspects security control logs and takes action as required. • Observes and reports incidents or suspicious activity to client representatives, company management, life/safety personnel or public safety authorities as appropriate for the circumstances and/or as required by the site. • Responds to incidents of fire, medical emergency, bomb threat, flooding, water discharge, elevator emergency, hazardous materials, inclement weather, and other incidents or conditions following procedures established for the site, by the company, and/or through training or certification. • Acts to ensure that all property removal is conducted within appropriate policy requirements and in accord with client standards; identifies client products or materials among items carried by client employees or visitors. • Carries out specific tasks and duties of a similar nature and scope as required for the assigned site.
Training Border Patrol agent after Graduation..
All new recruits get a different card -- a "silent partner," they're called -- as a way of honoring the 127 agents who have died in the line of duty while reminding them of the dangers of the job. The agents-in-training will carry the cards throughout their career.Urbina is picking up where his uncle left off. He is training to become a Border Patrol agent at one of the toughest law enforcement academies in the country. And he'll be deployed at a time when the eyes of the world are on federal authorities' treatment of immigrants at the US-Mexico border.
over his heart. But he doesn't need the reminder.  because I know he's watching," Urbina said. "He was 34 years old when he died, and I'm 34 years old entering the Border Patrol. It feels like I'm finishing what he started."academy's expanded curriculum
Academy is one of a handful of schools at the Federal Law Enforcement Center in this desert city of 11,000 people some 150 miles northeast .
classroom buildings and gyms, plus firing ranges and driving courses that span more than 1,000 acres. Everything the trainees need is on campus, including a grocery store,  irst time in its 84-year history, the academy has expanded its curriculum from three months to six months to better prepare trainees for what they will encounter in the field. Expanding the curriculum was really a couple of things," said Dan Harris Jr., the school's chief. "One, I want them to be prepared for any situation they may encounter. The second thing is that I want them to have every tool available to them to handle that encounter safely.

Trainees graduate with 14 certifications, up from two, in areas such as firearms, driving, and operations training, which includes classes in spotting fraudulent documents and working in detention centers. The time spent in immigration law and Spanish classes now count for 18 college credits.
Chief Harris admits there's pressure to find men willing to do a remote, dusty and sometimes dangerous job which pays an entry-level base salary of about $40,000. But that's nothing compared with the pressure to find women.
Trump era, the academy also has been given a new mandate: recruit more agents. According to Customs and Border Protection there are about 19,400 agents on duty -- nearly 2,000 below the congressionally mandated 21,370. President Trump has called for 5,000 more agents, which means the academy will need to churn out hundreds of graduating classes to meet the new mandate. The academy can accommodate up to 50 trainees per class, but most graduating classes have hovered in the 20s. 19,437 agents on patrol are female, the biggest gender gap in the federal government. Chief Harris hopes women will account for 10 percent of future classes. He's also quick to point out that for the first time ever the US Border Patrol
Border Patrol is a 'golden ticket'
Urbina has known what he wanted to do with his life since he was 15.
He grew up just 20 miles north of the border in Anthony, New Mexico. When his uncle was still on patrol he'd come to visit and they'd sit on the couch for hours while Urbina listened, wide-eyed, to his uncle's stories from the field.
Urbina became a corrections officer because he needed a 9-to-5 job and a decent paycheck while his wife went to nursing school.
When I talked to one of my neighbors and I told him what I was doing, he said, 'You're a Hispanic -- aren't you going to feel guilty or sad deporting somebody of your own kind?'" said Urbina, whose father immigrated legally from Mexico and settled in the US to start a family.
"It's sad watching people get deported, but my dad was able to come here the right way and I'm here today for that reason, thanks to him."
And joining the agency in the age of Trump adds extra, and at times unwanted, attention. Some agents have been criticized for using excessive force on migrants and for their handling of the family separations..

Monday, December 10, 2018

U.S.-Mexico border fence: ‘We touch hands like being in jail’

Donald Trump U.S.-Mexico border fence: ‘We touch hands like being in jail’

Mexico border gathered today at a chain-link fence separating the countries for a binational protest targeting U.S. immigration policy.
More than 760 people gathered at the fence — about 90 in the Mexican side and an estimated 324 on the U.S. side. More than 324 people gathered at the fence — about 90 in the Mexican side and an estimated 532
on the U.S. side. This woman, on the Mexican side of the border, describes seeing her grandkids through the fence.

The Vatican has said that the pope’s journey through Mexico, which takes him from the southern state of Chiapas to the northern border with Texas, symbolically traces the route of migrants trying to reach the United States. On Wednesday he will celebrate an outdoor Mass in nearby Ciudad Juarez,
welcome you to a border where hundreds of migrants die trying to reach the American Dream,” said Gabriela Castaneda, an organizer with Border Network for Human Rights, which hosted the event. “We ask for you to lift the spirit of immigrants.
Mothers sobbed, sisters exchanged laughs and children swapped candy through the fence during an event organized by immigrant rights activists to illustrate how the border and immigration policy divides families. The event, timed to coincide with Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico, drew about 50 people on the Mexican side and an estimated 250 on the U.S. side.
Hundreds of families and border residents separated by the U.S.-Mexico border gathered today at a chain-link fence separating the countries for a binational protest targeting U.S. immigration policy. The event, timed to coincide with Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico, drew about 50 people on the Mexican side and an estimated 250 on the U.S. side.
Mothers sobbed, sisters exchanged laughs and children swapped candy through the fence during an event organized by immigrant rights activists to illustrate how the border and immigration policy divides families.
The Vatican has said that the pope’s journey through Mexico, which takes him from the southern state of Chiapas to the northern border with Texas, symbolically traces the route of migrants trying to reach the United States. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

What does a customs officer do?

What does a customs officer do?

As customs officer, also known as a detection officer, you would work in airports and seaports collecting customs duties and preventing smuggling and illegal trade..

search luggage, vehicles and travellerscheck customs documentsquestion people who have been found with illegal items or goods over the allowancearrest and charge peopleprepare reports and witness statementstake on specialist roles such as dog handling or undercover and surveillance work

When necessary, you would go to court as a witness and would work closely with other agencies, like the police and the Home Office.

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Australia offers military jobs to US troops facing separation...

Australia offers military jobs to US troops facing separation...

The Australian government is recruiting experienced U.S. enlisted personnel and officers to fill a range of positions — from submariners to doctors — in its military,
looking at career options in this era of shrinking military budgets and force drawdowns might want to take a look Down Under.
 according to a posting on the Australian Defence Force website.

“The Australian Defence Force looks to overseas candidates to fill gaps in our Services, which can’t currently be satisfied by standard recruitment,” reads the intro for overseas applicants on the Defence Force’s recruitment website. “We recognise that these candidates can bring skills and attributes to the Navy, Army and Air Force that will strengthen their overall operation and success rate.”

The job offers could be tempting for U.S. troops as the Afghan War winds down and the Department of Defense looks to trim billions of dollars and more than 100,000 uniformed personnel from its books.
At a time when other Western countries have slashed spending, the prosperous Australians have been growing their military. In the past five years, the Australian military has recruited more than 500 personnel from the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Applicants have to meet certain minimum rank levels, as well as medical and interview requirements, Australian defense officials said in an email this week.

Known as the Lucky Country, Australia has had a booming economy for almost two decades due to rising commodity prices and strong Chinese demand for its mining products. It has also seen the Australian dollar rally against the U.S. dollar in recent years, meaning U.S.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Ministers inspect facilities at new Jeddah airport 4

Ministers inspect facilities at new Jeddah airport 

he visit comes in line with the directives of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman to extend the best ever services and facilities for the Haj and Umrah pilgrims and the visitors to the Two Holy Mosques, the Saudi Press Agency reported. In their field visit, the ministers met with senior officials of all departments and facilities at the terminal.
They were briefed on various programs and high tech facilities for receiving the pilgrims as well as for completing immigration and screening procedures. The tour also covered the Passport Zone 4 that was recently equipped with high tech reception counters and lounge No. 11 that was designed for the pilgrims who have completed their immigration procedures from their embarkation points in Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta.
Minister of Haj and Umrah Muhammad Saleh Benten, Minister of Transport and Chairman of the board of General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) Nabeel Al-Amoudi and GACA President Abdul Hakeem Al-Tamimi inspected the arrangements and facilities made for the Haj and Umrah pilgrims at the Haj terminal of King Abdulaziz International Airport Jeddah on Thursday. They also made an inspection tour of the new Jeddah airport.
The ministers and the GACA chief also inspected the facilities and services at the new airport and the newly introduced advanced technologies. Al-Amoudi said GACA is keen to simplify all the travel procedures for the pilgrims and visitors as well as to reduce the duration of procedures for the arrival and departure and that is in coordination with all the concerned departments and agencies. 

Friday, December 7, 2018

Immigrants illegal job

Immigrants have long been an integral part of the U.S. workforce. And while there isn't any one industry where immigrants make up the majority of workers, there are some jobs .where foreign born workers dominate, a new report from Pew Research finds.Many of the jobs held by immigrants -- especially those who are undocumented -- pay low wages
That's especially the case in America's beauty business, where immigrants made up 63% of those that provide services as manicurists and pedicurists, makeup artists, shampooers and skin care specialists. Slightly more than half of these workers (51%) were authorized to be in the country, while 12% of them were undocumented,Other jobs where immigrants made up more than half of the workforce included plasterers and stucco masons, 
Pew also found that 60% of the workers who ensure that no bad fruits or vegetables get to supermarkets are immigrants.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

jobs to Americans the U.S. are illegal immigrants,

illegal immigrants jobs USA

As communities nationwide grapple with tenacious unemployment, migrant workers are often accused of stealing jobs from Americans. The union believes this accusation is without basis, and intends to demonstrate this with a newly-launched campaign called "Take Our Jobs."
Facing growing anti-immigrant rhetoric, the United Farm Workers union ischallenging Americans to take their labor-intensive, low-paying farm 
Through its Web site, at www.takeourjobs.org, the union promises to connect applicants with farm jobs in their area.Since Nov 20, at least 37,000 people have responded to the application, said Rodriguez. Some are serious responses and others are hate mail. "Only a few dozen have really followed through with the process," he said.
The Department of Agriculture counts nearly one million farm workers in the United States. According to the Migrant Farm Worker Justice Project, 85% of farm workers are immigrants -- and up to 70% of them are illegal.
Most applicants quickly lose interest once the reality sinks in that these are back-breaking jobs in triple-digit temperatures that pay minimum wage, usually without benefits, according to the union. Some small farms are not required to pay minimum wage and in 15 states farms aren't required to offer workers' compensation.
Despite the dismal job market in the U.S., where the unemployment rate is 9.5% and 19.6 million people are out of work,..


Illegal border crossings into Canada continue to rise

Illegal border crossings into Canada continue to rise

The number of asylum seekers caught crossing illegally into Canada continues to rise, according to newly released figures.
The Canada Border Services Agency says that nearly half of the 1,860 migrants who have snuck across the Canada-United States border on foot rather than making a claim for refugee status at an official border crossing did so in March.
In a statement, Public Security Minister Ralph Goodale’s office said that while the figures have risen, they are still relatively small and have not affected other aspects of the immigration system.
“Canadian authorities are managing the increase in asylum seekers in a sound and measured way, applying our laws and procedures to keep Canadians safe while fully respecting all of this country’s international obligations,” the statement said.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Border Security Arrests Bulk Cash Smuggling..

Border Security Arrests Bulk Cash Smuggling..

U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested two men on Tuesday afternoon for smuggling more than $3 million dollars that was being transported in separate vehicles traveling in North County.
At the scene of the vehicle stop.
This amount of money represents the largest currency seizure ever in San Diego Sector,” said Chief Patrol Agent Richard A. Barlow.  “The hard work and perseverance demonstrated by the involved agents was essential for this outcome.”
a Border Patrol K-9 alerted agents to conduct a search of the vehicle, resulting in the discovery of eight vacuum-sealed bundles containing $33,880 that was stashed in the center console.  A 53-year-old male U.S. citizen was arrested upon the discovery.
Soon after, the agents found the vehicle’s driver, a 41-year-old male Mexican national, hiding in some brush nearby and arrested him for suspicion of currency smuggling.  Agents searched the vehicle and seized $3,018,000 that was found inside eight boxes located in the trunk.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security charged with the management, control and protection of our nation's borders at and between the official ports of entry. CBP is charged with keeping terrorists and terrorist weapons out of the country while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

JOB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE C California Department of State Hospitals Sacramento, CA


California Department of State Hospitals
Sacramento, CA

Equal Opportunity Employer The State of California is an equal opportunity employer to all, regardless of age, ancestry, color, disability (mental and physical), exercising the right to family care and medical leave, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, military or veteran status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religious creed, sex (includes pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and related medical conditions), and sexual orientation. It is an objective of the State of California to achieve a drug-free work place. Any applicant for state employment will be expected to behave in accordance with this objective because the use of illegal drugs is inconsistent with the law of the State, the rules governing Civil Service, and the special trust placed in public servants. Position Details Job Code #: JC-122264 Position #(s): 461-131-1401-005 461-131-1401-002 Working Title Service Desk Support Classification INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE $3,877.00 - $6,868.00 # of Positions: 2 Work Location: Sacramento County Job Type Permanent, Full Time Department Information Department of State Hospitals 1600 9th Street, Room 440 Sacramento, CA 95814 The mission of the Department of State Hospitals is to provide evaluation and treatment in a safe and responsible manner, seeking innovation and excellence in hospital operations, across a continuum of care and settings. Job Description And Duties Are you a problem solver who appreciates challenging situations and a dynamic IT environment? Do you enjoy exploring options utilizing the latest cutting-edge technologies? The Department of State Hospitals Technology Services Division may be the place for you. We are looking for a self-motivated, highly-experienced Information Technology Associate that will provide support for the TSD Service Desk and will play an active role in developing, deploying and maintaining optimum desktop and peripheral device images. If you want to be part of developing technology solutions in a department committed to “Caring Today for a Safe and Healthy Tomorrow" in addition to being a good steward of taxpayer dollars, consider joining our professional organization ultimately aimed at helping the Department of State Hospitals provide evaluation and treatment in a safe and responsible manner, while seeking innovation and excellence in hospital operations. This position is located in Sacramento. Incumbent must be able to travel to all DSH sites. Responsible for ensuring assigned Service Desk calls are accounted for and resolved in a timely manner. Provides DSH staff with the hardware and software necessary to perform their job function; Provides training and user support in the operation of personal computer hardware and software; Resolves problems related to office automation applications; Troubleshoots hardware and software problems; Installs hardware, software and peripherals; and provides staff guidance on identifying a means to automate specific tasks. Skills Required: Proficient using Microsoft Office Suite and configuring and maintaining desktop images. Desired Experience: Customer service; Use of help desk software such as Remedy. Personal Attributes: The individual should be a highly motivated, independent information technology professional who possesses excellent analytical and problem resolution skills as well as proficient written and oral communications skills. Based upon the screening committee’s evaluation of the application packages, interviews will be conducted with only the most qualified candidates. FILING INSTRUCTIONS Interested Applicants Must Submit • Completed Standard State Application (Form 678) Please indicate position # in line 12 of the application • Resume Applications must be submitted by the final filing date You will find additional information about the job in the Duty Statement . Special Requirements NOTE: Please do not submit the “Equal Employment Opportunity” questionnaire (page 5) with your completed State Application (STD 678). This page is for examination use only. Appointment is subject to the provisions of the SROA process: SROA/SURPLUS/ REEMPLOYMENT candidates are encouraged to apply and must attach a copy of their status letter in order to be considered. Interested applicants must submit a completed Standard State Application (Form STD. 678) with an original signature, to the contact/address listed below. You must clearly indicate the basis of your eligibility (i.e., list, transfer, SROA/Surplus, reinstatement, etc.), classification title, position number, and job control number in the Examination/Job Title section. Applicants who do not indicate the required information may be disqualified. Failure to complete the standard 678 in its entirety may result in disqualification. Application Instructions Dates printed on Mobile Bar Codes, such as the Quick Response (QR) Codes available at the USPS, are not considered Postmark dates for the purpose of determining timely filing of an application. Final Filing Date: Until Filled Who May Apply Individuals who are currently in the classification, eligible for lateral transfer, eligible for reinstatement, have list eligibility, are in the process of obtaining list eligibility, or have SROA and/or Surplus eligibility (please attach your letter, if available). SROA and Surplus candidates are given priority; therefore, individuals with other eligibility may be considered in the event no SROA or Surplus candidates apply. Applications will be screened and only the most qualified applicants will be selected to move forward in the selection process. Applicants must meet the Minimum Qualifications stated in the Classification Specification(s). How To Apply If You Choose To Not Apply Electronically, a Hard Copy Application Package May Be Submitted Through An Alternative Method Listed Below Complete Application Packages (including your Examination/Employment Application (STD 678) and applicable or required documents) must be submitted to apply for this Job Posting. Application Packages may be submitted electronically through your CalCareer Account at www.CalCareers.ca.gov. When submitting your application in hard copy, a completed copy of the Application Package listing must be included. Address for Mailing Application Packages You may submit your application and any applicable or required documents to: Department of State Hospitals - Sacramento Attn: Joshua Jareol 1600 9th Street, Room 440 Sacramento , CA 95814 Address for Drop-Off Application Packages You may drop off your application and any applicable or required documents at: Joshua Jareol 1600 9th Street, Room 440 Sacramento , CA 95814 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Required Application Package Documents Required Applicants who do not submit the required items timely may not be considered for this job The following items are required to be submitted with your application. • Current version of the State Examination/Employment Application STD Form 678 (when not applying electronically), or the Electronic State Employment Application through your Applicant Account at www.CalCareers.ca.gov. All Experience and Education relating to the Minimum Qualifications listed on the Classification Specification should be included to demonstrate how you meet the Minimum Qualifications for the position. • Resume is required and must be included. Applicants requiring reasonable accommodations for the hiring interview process must request the necessary accommodations if scheduled for a hiring interview. The request should be made at the time of contact to schedule the interview. Questions regarding reasonable accommodations may be directed to the EEO contact listed on this job posting

JOB Global VP of Marketing, Billabong company

Global VP of Marketing, Billabong

NOV 30
Boardriders is looking for the Head of Global Brand Marketing to lead the Billabong marketing team on a global level amongst a multi-brand company. The ideal candidate has an existing passion for the Billabong brand lifestyle The right person will be extremely dynamic, be creative, inspire greater success and create extraordinary experiences, solutions and ideas.  Most of all, you will be willing to take risk, and can simultaneously ideate, problem solve and execute while building and leading a world-class team. 


  • Create vision of, own and drive global brand and marketing strategies that effectively build brand awareness, perceived brand quality and overall sets the Billabong brand ahead of its competitors
  • Align brand vision to 5 year strategy & business plans
  • Develop the digital marketing and social media strategies for the brand across campaigns, driving clear decision-making and key stakeholder alignment
  • Devise and deliver a sustainable Omni-channel marketing strategy, including retail, wholesale and loyalty marketing
  • Design, create and develop influencer and athlete marketing plans across culture programs and projects
  • Drive creative content creation and campaigns based on consumer and market insights
  • Ensure global consistency in execution of marketing initiatives – across all consumer touch points
  • Manage regular communication throughout global regions
  • Lead global Billabong marketing team through regular clear communication of brand vision and sharing of best practices
  • Develop brand tone of voice for each consumer, media and social channel
  • Optimize marketing efforts and spend for maximum ROI against target consumer
  • Build sustainable and impactful Public Relations and Trade Marketing Plans
  • Play an instrumental role in the go-to-market plans and strategies for the brand, including product launch plans, product news, marketing and promotion plans
  • Ensure all marketing materials provide consistent and clear message of brand position
  • Champion performance management; ensuring systems are in place to drive top performance for all marketing positions
  • Ensure yearly targets and KPIs are set for direct reports, evaluate results on a continuing basis, as well as, establish individual accountability for team members success through clear, open and honest feedback
  • Effectively lead cross-functional consumer directed brand connection points
  • Select and manage the right creative agencies and freelance talent (still/moving images, digital media, advertising,) in addition to briefing them and safeguarding top quality execution and alignment with global standards
  • Develop a sustainable business model to extend Billabong into new markets & consumers
  • Develop and manage annual global and regional business plans and budgets to implement strategies
  • Identify key success factors in plans, closely monitor business performance across functional areas and make changes to business plans and strategy as necessary
  • Direct efforts of staff and external resources in the ongoing assessment of the competitive market position of the brand, and the identification of opportunities for new products.
  • Capture & synthesize all learning from internal and external market research and incorporate intelligence on trends over time into development of brand strategies


  • Must have 10+ years of Brand Management experience for global brands
  • Expertise in building, mentoring and managing world class cross-functional brand and marketing teams
  • At least three years’ experience in strategizing cutting edge consumer marketing through digital and social channels
  • Experience in interpreting consumer data and shaping content and campaigns for maximum ROI
  • Current experience in building a global brand
  • Existing relevant relationships with influencers, the media, action sports industry, music industry, apparel industry
  • Possess and demonstrate excellent strategic capabilities, analytical and creative problem solving abilities and work organization
  • Proven experience in project and department management, including responsibility for developing business plans, market forecasts, and budget management
  • Impactful communicator/influencer – the ability to sell strategies and plans to marketing team, cross-functional teams and leadership teams
  • Existing understanding of traditional and non-traditional brand marketing strategies
  • At least two year of experience in managing agencies and freelance talent
  • Proficiency in MS Excel, Word, PowerPoint
  • Bachelor’s Degree required
  • Proactive, entrepreneurial mind-set with a “can-do” attitude
  • Take ownership and responsibility for actions, behaviors and contributions
  • Provide inspiring leadership to the marketing team and cross-functional team to manage priorities and deliver on goals
  • Strong verbal and written communication, conflict resolution and influence management skills.

Riyadh capital of Saudi Arabia entertainment spectacular set to be Kingdom’s biggest festival

Riyadh capital of Saudi Arabia entertainment spectacular set to be Kingdom’s biggest festival